Miss Universe Hopeful Tells Of Terror Car Crash

A Miss Universe contestant has told how she crashed her car in a high-speed smash in Ukraine after passing out at the wheel because of a thyroid condition.

Photo shows Miss Ukraine Universe Anna Neplyakh, undated. Neplyakh was involved in a car accident. (@neplyah/Newsflash)

Beauty queen Anna Neplyakh, who represented Ukraine at the 2021 Miss Universe contest, lost control of the white Audi as she drove to Dnipro from Kyiv.

The region has come under massive bombardment by drones and missiles from invading Russian forces.

Anna, 29, took to Instagram on 21st March to reassure her 260,000 followers that she had survived the crash.

She said: “I’m alive… That’s what I want to start this post with.”

Anna added: “Even yesterday I said that I feel extremely bad, but we don’t postpone life for later and don’t feel sorry for ourselves, that’s why life slows us down without our knowledge.

“I have been feeling bad for two weeks now because of hormones, every third woman in our country has thyroid problems and they have not skipped me.

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“I just get nailed in the middle of the day and I can’t do anything physically, my vision has worsened, I feel pressure, and a strange feeling, when you don’t have depression, a wild lust for life, nothing hurts, and you just don’t have the strength.

Photo shows Miss Ukraine Universe Anna Neplyakh, undated. Neplyakh was involved in a car accident. (@neplyah/Newsflash)

“Yesterday I felt critical and in the evening I cancelled all plans to stay in bed. Although lately I generally try to just lie in bed whenever possible.”

Anna explained that despite her health and the near constant Russian shelling she decided to make the drive.

She said: “Today I knew exactly what I needed in Dnipro. Night shelling by rockets, lack of sleep, overwork, health problems, but I’m going to Dnipro anyway .”

She explained how the crash occurred, saying: “I had 200 kilometres to go to the Dnipro. The weather is great, but the road is not always. Anyone who knows the Dnipro-Kyiv route knows.

“The satnav suddenly tells me to turn right to the Reshetylivka bypass. I can’t handle the steering and crash at speed and that’s all we have. Only me and my car were hurt.

“The car crashes, the airbag hits me, I see how people are already trying to pull me out of the car, saying: ‘An ambulance? Alive? Water?’.

“The first thing I asked when I finished was, ‘Can I go on like this?’ Without even having seen what happened to the car.

Photo shows the car of Miss Ukraine Universe Anna Neplyakh, undated. Neplyakh was involved in a car accident. (@neplyah/Newsflash)

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“Now everything is fine with me, well, if you can say so, my face and hand are bruised, I’m in a state of shock… with the car – no, but it’s iron. Thank you for stopping me at such a price and giving me a chance.”

Photos taken moments after the crash show Anna with a red bruise on her left cheek with the deployed driver airbag behind her.

The Audi’s bonnet has crumpled completely from the force of the impact.

Anna added: “Thanks to everyone who responded quickly and offered their help! You are my support! Such a life, it’s embarrassing.

“Take care of yourself, listen to your body, take care of your health and don’t get behind the wheel if you feel you shouldn’t!”

In 2021, Anna was crowned Miss Ukraine Universe and represented her homeland at the Miss Universe contest that year in Eilat, Israel.

At the time she said: “Since childhood, I watched beauty contests on TV and dreamed that one day I would be one of those girls who represent our country with such an honour.

Photo shows the car of Miss Ukraine Universe Anna Neplyakh, undated. Neplyakh was involved in a car accident. (@neplyah/Newsflash)

“Becoming Miss Ukraine Universe is my cherished dream.

“I want to show the young girls that everything is possible and everything. Want women to learn to love themselves and not deny their strength in femininity.

“I dream of having a women’s centre where women could be one family and receive psychological help, and knowledge, develop creative expressions. Realise their integrity, and harmonise their soul and their body.”


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