Saucy Influencer Cop In Hot Water After Posting Footage Of Herself In Uniform

A saucy influencer police officer is in hot water after she shared footage of herself in uniform.

The clip shows the pretty female officer in full uniform and wielding an assault rifle moving in front of a stopped police car and looking proudly at the camera.

Alba Mattos, who is assigned to the 15th Battalion of the Military Police of Itabuna, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, was reported for violating police conduct rules after sharing the video online.

The young woman, who has over 50,000 followers on Instagram, often posts messages encouraging women to pursue military careers and motivational clips.

But she said on Tuesday morning, on 19th September, that she was surprised after being informed that the footage she posted went against the force’s code of conduct.

Picture shows Military police officer, Alba Mattos, in uniform in the video, undated. She was reported for violating police conduct rules after publishing a video on her social networks. (@alba.mattos/CEN)

Her followers quickly pointed out that many male officers face no such action despite posting images of themselves in uniform.

Mattos has since said: “Due to the great repercussion it had, and even without it having been reported formally or informally, I have already contacted my legal adviser.”

It is currently unclear what penalties she faces.


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