Iranian Bikini Fitness Model Gets Death Threats After Protest March

A stunning Iranian bodybuilder and fitness trainer has been getting threats to herself and her family after joining protests in Turkey against the regime in her homeland.

Aylin Rauf, 26, had become popular in her home country after becoming one of the few women to take part in body beauty contests and gain international recognition.

She had moved to Turkey and has been there for the last few months taking part in demonstrations outside the Iranian embassy when she was photographed and interviewed.

She said that an embassy official had told her: “Don’t think that we don’t know where you live and which club you go to train.”

But after her protest actions continued, in the last two weeks she has been getting threatening calls from unknown numbers and has stopped using her phone or speaking with her family back in the country in order not to bring them into difficulties.

Aylin said that she is not the only one and that many other Iranians who are actively involved in political activities outside the country are also being targeted.

She added: “I and all the others are under a lot of pressure, every day, and are worried about being attacked by agents of the Islamic Republic, but we will continue.”

Aylin Rauf poses in an undated photo. Aylin Rauf, an Iranian bodybuilder and fitness trainer, claims that both she and her family are under pressure from the security forces of the Islamic Republic because of her presence in the protests in Turkey. (CEN)

The young woman is already worried about returning home after taking part in the 2022 bikini fitness contest and ending up in third place, and local media reported that she is likely to face serious consequences now after her political activities as well.

An order by Maryam Kazmipour who is the Director General of Women’s Sports at the Iranian Ministry of Sports and Youth has banned Iranian women from taking part in any bodybuilding or fitness contests.

It was also made illegal to train or attend any sort of camp for women athletes or competitors in this contest.


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