This X-ray image shows how a man who got himself arrested on purpose in a bid to smuggle items into prison had drugs, headphones, and a USB drive in his intestines.
The bizarre incident unfolded when the Military Police in Francisco Beltrao, Brazil, received a tip-off about a man carrying handgun ammo on the street.

When officers approached him, they found his behaviour suspicious, as, according to the police, he “seemed to want to be arrested”.
They took him to the police station for questioning. During the interrogation, he cracked, confessing that he had swallowed some items after being threatened.
Chief investigating officer Antonio Santos of the Civil Police said: “He said he had swallowed some products, such as drugs and tobacco, but he also had headphones and a USB drive, which are highly sought-after items inside the prison.
“So his intention was to sell these products inside the prison.”
The police believe that he had been attempting to smuggle the forbidden items into Francisco Beltrao Public Prison.
After his confession, the man was given an X-ray examination, which confirmed the items’ presence in his intestines.
He was then arrested. However, contrary to his initial plan, he was placed in an isolated area of the prison and monitored until he expelled the swallowed items.
He was charged with unlawful possession of ammunition.
If proven that drugs were among the items he swallowed, he also faces charges of drug trafficking and attempting to smuggle drugs into a prison.
His identity was withheld at the time of reporting.