Tiktok Star Wants To Evict Mum For Covering Up Abuse Of Him And His Sister

A popular Brazilian influencer has stunned his fans by taking away a mansion he awarded to his mum as a present after she failed to apologise or act over his revelation that he and his sister were abused as kids by a close relative.

Junior Caldeirao – who has 15 million fans on Tiktok and eight million Instagram followers – revealed his decision in an emotional video in which he underlined that he “cannot stand ingratitude.”

The 24-year-old comedian said he has already taken legal action against his mother to get the property back. He accuses her of having been fully aware of the sexual harassment he and his sister had to endure.

Caldeirao – from Feira de Santana, Bahia State, northeastern Brazil, said: “Mum, you are covering an abuser, a paedophile.”

In the video posted on 7th June, the Tiktok star added: “I already spoke with my lawyer, I’m going to file a lawsuit. I’ll take the house and give it to someone who is grateful. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s ingratitude.”

Caldeirao – or Antonio Pereira Machado – claimed he had been sexually abused at the age of 12 by a brother-in-law. The influencer said his sister was a victim as well.

The influencer said: “So many years have passed, but I remember everything as if it happened now.

“This family member abused me when I was 12 years old. However, we never spoke about it.”

Brazilian influencer Junior Caldeiro, 24, poses with his mother in undated photo. He reportedly decided to take the house he gave his mother as a gift. (@juniorcaldeiraoo/CEN)

Caldeirao added: “I remember everything as if it were now. It’s a trauma I’ve overcome, but (my sister) Morena hasn’t. She’s still trembling.”

Referring to his mum, a tearful Caldeirao claimed: “You liked it and covered it.”

He said: “Every time there’s a party, my sister and I are forced to spend time with someone who did a lot of harm to us when we were children. Everyone knows.”

Caldeirao has been accused by his mother of exploiting his family to make money with his Tiktok clips featuring his young niece.

Now the influencer hits back saying: “I do everything for my family.”

Referring to the sexually abusive actions allegedly carried out by his unnamed brother-in-law, he said: “He came to me and said: ‘Why didn’t you talk before? Why didn’t you report it?’ What for? No one would have believed me.”

Referring to the public’s reaction to other sexual abuse victims’ decision to open up about what they had to endure, he claimed: “Everyone goes blind when they talk about it.”


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