My 30 Ops To Look Like Ricky Martin Left Me Disfigured

A man who had over 30 operations to look like Ricky Martin and once boasted that he was “prettier” than the superstar now claims that he has been left disfigured.

Francisco Mariano Ibanez made international headlines last year when he claimed that he was “even prettier” than the ‘Livin’ La Vida Loca’ hitmaker.

Now he claims that famous celebrity plastic surgeon Anibal Lotocki left him mutilated and even accused him of injecting him with “motor oil”.

Francisco first became obsessed with Ricky Martin’s looks when he was overweight and depressed.

After seeing the star in a men’s magazine he said: “I want that face and I want that body.”

He then began a years-long process to transform himself into the Puerto Rican star.

Francisco said: “I did my nose, chin, lips… I wanted to look like Ricky Martin, but the truth is, I ended up prettier than him!”

When asked why he was so desperate to look like Martin, he said: “Because of the sense of belonging we all have.

Photo shows how Francisco Mariano Ibanez looks like now, undated. He claims he was left disfigured after having more than 30 surgeries to look like Ricky Martin. (@franmarianocoach/Newsflash)

“And at that time, I didn’t have the distinction of saying ‘I have to be the best version of me’.

“I thought about who everyone likes and, yes it’s true, people told me that I kind of resembled him. So I believed them.”

Francisco once explained: “I got a photo of Martin, I realised that I liked him and, like everything in life, when I like something, I go for it.

“Now I am able to realise that the ideal thing is to be yourself, not someone else. But It took a while to realise that.”

Francisco said he is not addicted to surgery, but rather to “how you feel after it.”

He added: “I think that, at some point in your life, addiction develops and then it gets worse.”

Francisco spoke about his mental state at the time of the ops.

Photo shows how Francisco Mariano Ibanez looks like now, undated. He claims he was left disfigured after having more than 30 surgeries to look like Ricky Martin. (@franmarianocoach/Newsflash)

He said: “When I started to get operations, I knew that things were getting out of hand and that there were things that were not healthy for me.”

Francisco once opened up about his shame at being diagnosed with obesity at the age of 12.

He said: “A year passed without me leaving my room.”

Francisco says his overeating was his defence mechanism against his dad’s violence, revealing that he still has “scars on his body from the blows he received.”

He added: “I ate because I felt that the day my father wanted to kill me with a knife, he was not going to touch me because the fat was going to stop it, and he wasn’t going to be able to kill me.”

As to why his dad was so violent with him, he said: “I have been gay since I was a kid, and that was his greatest torture.

“I will never forget the day that he found me, I was combing my sister’s hair, and he grabbed an iron and broke it over my head.”

Photo shows how Francisco Mariano Ibanez looks like now, undated. He claims he was left disfigured after having more than 30 surgeries to look like Ricky Martin. (@franmarianocoach/Newsflash)

But Francisco now says his obsession with looking like Ricky Martin drove him to have too many ops.

He said: “I look at the photos from that time and I looked cute, I should have stopped there.”

But the ops carried on, even when he lost feeling in half his face leaving him unable to feel his chin or nose.

He said: “I have a little paralysis because a nerve broke when I went to have surgery on my nose and chin.”

He added that he had had a dermo-lipectomy and three liposuctions. He has also reportedly lost 25 per cent of his eyesight.

Now Francisco blames plastic surgeon Lotocki for leaving him disfigured, telling local media in Argentina: “He had done my whole face. I got up and a truck had run over me.

“He had put threads on me, nose, chin, cheekbones, lips, everything that I did not ask for.”

Photo shows Francisco Mariano Ibanez, after a series of operations, undated. He reportedly had more than 30 surgeries to look like Ricky Martin. (Newsflash)

He said that Lotocki “disfigured” him after injecting him with “motorcycle oil”.

Francisco also reportedly said that during one operation, he said that he told the doctor he just wanted to have his nose done.

But when he woke up, he claims, the doctor had operated on his whole face.

Francisco said that the plastic surgeon told him: “I don’t like to do just one thing, I like to see and do.”

He also recalls waking up during surgery to feel the agony of syringes sticking into his face.


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