Real Life Barbie Reveals GBP 100k Pricetag For Looks

A model who spent years trying to turn herself into a human Barbie has revealed the six-figure sum she blew on becoming a living doll.

Tatiana Murillo poses in undated photo. She is known as the Colombian Barbie. (@labarbiecolombianaoficial/Newsflash)

Colombian model Tatiana Murillo has had at least 29 different procedures and surgeries to shape her face and body beginning when she was just 11 years old.

She has had ribs removed to give herself a more Barbie-like wasp waist and she even paid for her 12-year-old daughter to have a nose job so they would be more alike.

Her face and body are now so altered that she claims she has been banned from entering the USA.

Now Tatiana has revealed the real-life cost of her surgery addiction during a question-and-answer session with her social media followers.

One fan asked her: “How many millions does it take to look like the Colombian Barbie?”

And Tatiana replied: “Approximately 500 million [Colombian] pesos [GBP 103,119].”

Tatiana Murillo poses in undated photo. She is known as the Colombian Barbie. (@labarbiecolombianaoficial/Newsflash)

The sum is more than 12 times the average Colombian gets in their pay packet in a month.

Tatiana has clocked up more than a million followers on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram by sharing every detail of her transformation.

Every twist and turn of her cheekbone ops, facelifts, lip filler injections, and even surgery to make her eyes look wider has been spelt out in painful detail.

One agonising procedure was a skin peel to turn her naturally brown skin white.

She revealed: “My skin turned red, peeled, hurt, and I experienced everything.”

Her current sculpted appearance is a long way from a photo from her childhood showing her natural skin tone, black hair and more natural looks.

Tatiana Murillo shows what she looked like before surgery, undated. She is known as Colombian Barbie. (@labarbiecolombianaoficial/Newsflash)

Tatiana, from Caicedo, Antioquia, has told how she was determined to change the way she looks because of bullying at school.

She said: “In my town, where the girls were very beautiful, they were called Barbies.

“And I wasn’t very pretty, to put it mildly. So they bullied me for that, for my appearance, for my skin colour.

“Even for my social status, because my parents have always been farmers.”

Ironically, when she was a child Tatiana hated Barbie dolls.

She said: “When I was little, I didn’t like Barbie, it was like unattainable.”

Tatiana Murillo shows what she looked like before surgery, undated. She is known as Colombian Barbie. (Newsflash)

But Tatiana added: “I believed the story of becoming that doll and becoming unique in Colombia because of that.

“It was like a kind of revenge against all those who bullied me as a child.

“From a young age I told myself, ‘My revenge will be success.’

“And I have achieved it.”


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