Read more about the article Diabetic Influencer Munches Gummy Bears During Sex
Lyn Kuenstner, 32, from the city of Dresden, Germany, poses in undated photo. She said she eats gummy bears while doing it. (@lyn_k44/CEN)

Diabetic Influencer Munches Gummy Bears During Sex

A stunning model who suffers from diabetes has told how she tucks into gummy bears during sex to keep her insulin levels in check. Lyn Kuenstner, 32, from the city of Dresden, Germany, poses in undated photo. She said she eats gummy bears while doing it. (@lyn_k44/CEN) Influencer Lyn Kuenstner - from Dresden, Saxony State, Germany - said she turns to the sweets whenever she feels dizzy while making out.…


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