Real Madrid Star Eder Militao In Row With Ex Over Child Support

An astonishing war of the roses battle in public between Real Madrid Star Eder Militao and his influencer wife over alimony and child maintenance other has proved gripping stiff for gossip columnists in Brazil.

The war of words comes after Karoline Lima had complained that the Brazilian footballer had not been keeping up with his fair share of payments towards their child, including for their daughter’s swimming lessons.

The star player, 26, accused Karoline of lying, with local media saying on Thursday, 26th May, that he has filed a lawsuit against her.

Militao claimed that Karoline, 26, is preventing Cecilia, their daughter who turns two in July, from travelling to see him until a new nanny is hired to accompany the child, saying that “she makes everything difficult”.

The player, in turn, has allegedly said that he does not want any new strangers in his house.

Militao reportedly explained that Karoline, who is dating another Brazilian footballer, Leo Pereira, 28, fired her old nanny and also would not let Cecilia be picked up by her grandparents.

Militao told local media: “Now, she says she won’t let Cecilia travel without a nanny she chooses, but she was the one who fired the old nanny, who she had chosen herself and had taken care of my daughter since she was very little.”

He added: “I’ve tried to talk about various alternatives and it makes everything difficult. She doesn’t even want to let my parents pick her up.

“Cecilia loves her grandparents. What father could handle being away from his daughter for so long? I can’t wait for Karoline to find another nanny so I can be with my daughter.”

Karoline Lima, who has over 6.1 million Instagram followers, is reportedly outraged and has stated that she will respond to the footballer in court.

Militao, who now lives in Spain while he plays for Real Madrid, also said: “I always wanted my daughter to live in the same city as her father and mother. Here in Madrid, she would have very good conditions for education, and quality of life.

He added: “I’ve talked to Karoline several times, to allow her to live here in Spain with Cecília, but she never wanted to. I respected it because in Sao Paulo she at least has the other part of the family. But, moving to Rio de Janeiro like that, so quickly, was not what was agreed. It will completely change my daughter’s routine.”

But Karoline showed old conversations with Militao to prove that the player asked her to live in Brazil and that he did not help in the search for a home for her and Cecilia.

Influencer Karoline Lima, 25, who previously dated football player Neymar photographed with football player Eder Militao,23. (@karolinel/Newsflash)

He allegedly offered to pay for a house in Pirituba, a peripheral region of Sao Paulo, which she refused.

She said: “I need to be here until, at least, Cecilia’s documentation and mine come out. Then I’ll see if I’ll stay here or go to Brazil.”

Karoline Lima also claimed that, after sending them to live in Brazil, Eder Militao reportedly wanted to resume their relationship and fly them back to Madrid just to record a family series to “clean up his act”.

She said: “He sent us away from there and he only touched on this subject, asking us to return to Madrid, last year, which last year he wanted to return to me. Last year, Eder Militao proposed making a series of our lives to clean up his act. Eder Militao wanted to use my image, Cecilia’s image, to create a series of happy families.”


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